Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inspire Change through EDUCATION

The "tag line" I use on my business card and wherever else I can put one is "Go beyond training be Educated" because that is truly the key to being empowered and getting control of your own health. Let's face it - NO ONE is going to take better care of YOU than YOU! It's time to stop giving all of our control away to an over loaded so called Health Care (really Sick Care) system. We all need to take the power back get healthy, stay healthy and stay away from having to use this broken system for diseases we can certainly prevent.

EDUCATION is the answer plain and simple. What is not easy is actually applying what we learn to help ourselves. This is where we fall off a cliff.

For some strange reason we think our body is not as important as our car or other material things when it comes to caring for it. Interestingly enough, those "things" can all be easily replaced and at a lot less cost then let's say a HEART for example. Yet, people still have a hard time doing the right thing to take care of this precious item that keeps us alive. We have one body that we get for an entire lifetime and we have the choice as to how we would like it to perform, feel, be around and what we want it to look like. This is very powerful, yet we give it away every single day by not paying any attention to what will nourish it and keep it running in tip top shape. We do better with our car. How nuts is that? Would you put sugar in your gas tank? Probably not, since common knowledge is that it will kill the performance of the car. Now, let's just apply this same knowledge to the human body and the same result will occur....crappy performance.

The human body NEEDS constant attention, care and maintenance in order for vitality and longevity to occur and have it stay out of the shop for expensive repair. A little knowledge backed up by effort goes a long way and reaps big rewards. It's really worth it to "take good care" of one's own machine.

So here's a thought....Make an effort to make a change toward doing something healthy each day. Start small (take the pressure off) and build from there. Eat a healthy breakfast rather than a poptart, take a 30 minute walk instead of opting to sit on the couch to watch a stupid sit-com, drink one less beer, smoke one less cigarette, buy one kind of organic fruit, eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger. You don't have go out and run a marathon but maybe watching someone run one may inspire you to have that goal someday.

Educate yourself on the importance of proper nutrients, eating WHOLE FOODS grown from nutrient rich soil, exercise and building strong muscles including the heart, proper sleep and reducing stress. It doesn't have to be done all in one day but it does need to be done for longevity and living a rich and fulfilling life.


Rose Young said...

that's a fabulous idea!

ConsciouslyFrugal said...

I love the sugar in the gas tank analogy!

My employer has a huge emphasis on health education. We've found that education and literacy rates greatly affect the type and amount of information received regarding health. As usual, the poor get the worst. We're trying to change that, as are dozens of other really great organizations.

What drives me nuts is the amount of crappy information out there, particularly from the diet industry. Don't eat carbs--eat bacon and butter! (WTFrack??!?) On and on.

I remember you telling me long ago to use common sense. I think that's so important when trying to suss out all the information out there regarding health. Common sense, common sense, common sense. Thanks for also reminding us that small changes make all the difference.