Sunday, February 21, 2010

My 24 hour vacation called Sunday

It is the only day of the week I can sleep late and it's the morning I wake up at the earliest hour. Why? Why on earth would I do that when I could actually sleep? Because I don't want to miss a minute of the most glorious day of the week (for me). Let me ask this question.... For most people when on vacation, do they sleep late or wake up early and take advantage of the precious moments of "freedom" to do what they want? Thought so....that's why I wake up early to the scent of my freshly brewed alarm clock waiting for me in the kitchen. Today I was up at 6AM because my Sunday Morning indulgence is to watch my favorite program CBS Sunday Morning propped up in bed with my cuppa brew. You may ask "why not just record the show and play it later?", answer...I do not subscribe to pay TV, have no Tivo and our VHS recorder is as old as dirt. Besides which it is just not the same as waking up and watching the incredible stories this show produces even if I do have to endure the commercials. It is the one quality TV "journal style" program worth watching (in my opinion) outside of PBS. After my 90 minutes of viewing is over I do a quick check of emails, read some FB posts, write a bit (here) or journal and get my husband Dennis up for our bike ride to the local Farmer's Market to get our feast for the week... Here is a visual sample...

Now mind you...I never lose sight of being blessed to have this amazing fresh, local, organic produce literally right out my back door (or at least a 10 minute bike ride away) an advantage of living in southern California. I suppose in a way it makes up for the lousy air we are forced to breathe and the daily threat of an EQ...but that's beside the point. When we return back home, we are hungry for breakfast and make seriously delicious concoctions (healthy of course) that satisfy us for most of the day....
We eat on our back patio area overlooking the amazing Bamboo and palm trees that Dennis planted 10 years ago when he envisioned replicating an Hawaiian paradise. This is probably the closest I will get to Hawaii (at least for now) so I savor it along with every bite I put into my mouth. This is the one meal of the week I take my time to eat and consciously enjoy every flavor. I eat slow. I think about what is going in my body and know that every nutrient is really good for me, and it feels good. My goal is to expand this consciousness beyond this one meal, although the nutrient part remains steadfast for the most part throughout the week. Even the clean up after the meal is not daunting. We do it together, and it gets done fairly quickly. Beyond breakfast my day is my own and I am never in question with what I want to do next. I may connect with family or friends on the phone or skype, take a walk at the beach, do some laundry or other chore (which I actually don't mind) or sit and read a book. The one thing I try and stay away from is being sucked in by this vampire called the internet. I really don't want to be sitting in my desk chair staring at a computer screen on my 24 hour vacation day. So I now say goodbye and go on with my rejuvenating precious one day vacation and enjoy every moment before it ends at 8AM tomorrow when my first client knocks at my door (with a smile of course).


Joey said...

Great post Laura! Inspires me to be more mindful but also I achhhhhheeeeee for warm weather!!!

Laura G said...

I bet you are aching for what a winter you all have been hit with YIKES and it's not even over. My door is open if you want to come visit!