Sunday, April 11, 2010

Do Miracles Really Exist?

By definition a Miracle "is any amazing or wonderful occurrence" or "a marvelous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent" according to wikipedia. I would agree with this definition and add that I like to think the "divine agent" are angels. Yes I believe in angels and I think my sister is one. I believe she has intervened several times when it has come to my dad's life.

I was thinking earlier while watching a particular segment on CBS Sunday Morning about children dealing with the grief of a death of a parent, that at age 50 (almost), I still have both my parents and what a miracle that is. Well at least in my father's case, (my mother I believe will stand the test of time) and live to the age of 200. About 10+ years ago my father (whose health is not the greatest) suffered to what we were told was a stroke and fell and hit his head on the marble threshold in the doorway of the bathroom while exiting. My mother only discovered him later when she came home, he was on the bed semi conscious with patches of blood along the floor and bed. She immediately called the EMT's who came rather quickly only to find they were dealing with a very combative man (which I hear is normal when someone strokes out) to take him to the hospital. My dad ended up falling into a coma and was in intensive care for a while and we thought we were going to lose him. I received a call and quickly arranged to fly to Florida (I was living in CT then) which was not easy to do since it was spring break and Easter holiday season. As a miracle would have it my friend Deb's husband Rob who sells airplanes somehow arranged for me to be a guest on a private jet that was flying to Florida the next day. I will be indebted to that man forever for that act of kindness. As our small family sat vigil and waited to see if my dad was going to wake up, I could not fathom losing him although I was prepared. I think the loss of my sister years prior, has prepared me for death. I just kept thinking though, this was not his time and a divine intervention would happen.

It did happen. He eventually woke up and could not remember a thing. To this day, the events of that day are erased from his memory and we only have these "CSI" puzzle pieces to put together to form a scenario of what happened. It's now over 10 years since this happened and many hours of all kinds of therapy later, but if you saw my 84 year old dad you would never know that event happened to him. He does get his words scrambled a bit because of his lingering aphasia but other than that, I believe this man is a walking miracle. Before this "stroke" incident happen my dad already had heart by-pass surgeries years before and has lived with diabetes for as long as I can remember. He did manage to quit smoking after 30 years when he was told he had borderline emphysema. Let's put it this way, the man has taken crappy care of himself and manages to keep in ticking. Now that's a freakin' miracle! Now mind you he does have the help of about 12 different meds he must ingest everyday and has to take naps along with watching his "diet" (yea right..). It's not best way to live, but he is around to enjoy watching his family grow and hopefully will stick around to see the birth of his twin granddaughters (from my sis-in-law certainly not moi) and my daughter's college graduation and who knows what else? Maybe he will stand the test of time.... In that case it's my mother we all need to pray for....

Me and My Miracle Dad

This is just another one of a few miracles I have witnessed.

In a previous blog I wrote about my mother-in-law, who as well, literally came back from being so close to dead, it is just inexplicable. Other than she had so many people praying for her (and I am so not a religious person) I cannot believe she is walking around and living her life, still laughing, smiling and just being. If you could imagine the worst possible medical disaster (stemming from a botched colonoscopy) and multiply that by 100 that is what happened to my husband's mom. She's even baffled the doctor's. So Angels? Power of Prayer? Miracles? Who really knows? All I can say, is I am a believer.... especially when I witness (I have it on video) my husband vacuuming of his own volition....Now that's a true Miracle!!

The Jimenez Family (Uncle Beto, Miracle Mom, Dennis, Me & Gary Jimenez)

Till next Sunday

Ciao ~ L


Joey said...

I have my own miracles Laura. They truly exist. We just need to recognize them!!!! Great post!pulth

Laura G said...

You're so right! Thanks girl.... :)

Deb Abrams said...

Hey girlfriend! Loved your blog. I read Rob the part about where you mention how he arranged to have you flown down on a private jet, and you will be indebted to him forever, and he was blown away! I'll never forget that phone call from you, and how upset you were. I was so happy that Rob could come to your rescue that day! Saw Denise Tucker today at CPR re-cert. and she complimented you on your writing talent. You really do have a gift!