Saturday, March 27, 2010


First of all I would like to say Thank You to my friend Joey for my "Special Exception" Beautiful Blogger Award that she gave to me on her blogpost

Along with this acceptance I am to fulfill the following criteria:

1. Thanking the person who gave it to me (which I did).
2. Share 7 things about myself...hmmm
3. Pass the award onto 5 bloggers who you have recently discovered and think you are fantastic (I really don't follow too many bloggers)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award about the award..(ok..)

Hmmm... 7 things about myself.

1. I want a different set of legs but have accepted that I have this set for life.

2. Surprisingly, I still find myself being ridiculously competitive (as in the case of an 83 year old hiker that totally kicked my ass going up steep hills and I wanted him to eat my dust-errrrr).

3. Some days I skip a shower and use the excuse I am saving precious water for Southern California.

4. I would give up wine and chocolate before my morning cup of strong caffeine laden Java.

5. I have been dreaming about going to Italy for about a million years but I confess I am nervous to leave and go out of the country and so far away.

6. I am so glad I only had one child and sometimes wonder why I did not want any more.

7. I can be (and look like) a pretty tough cookie on the outside but really I am a total marshmallow on the inside...(pssst...don't tell anyone).

The next criteria is tough because I only read a few blogpost (one of which is Joey's).

I do read these others though:



Both are excellent and I would recommend you checking them out. Oh I am suppose to let them know about the award....hmmm OK will do.....

Anyway now that I have fulfilled my duties onto my weekly blogpost which is about Acceptance....

The term acceptance is defined as a verb, in which it shows to have several meanings.

The first is known as the act of taking or receiving something offered. For example, if someone is giving you a gift and you receive it, than that person has accepted the gift; therefore, having acceptance.

Another definition of acceptance has to deal with positive welcome; favor and endorsement. Such as, a person could like someone and have acceptance for them due to their approval of that person.

The third description of acceptance is that it can be an act of believing or assenting.

Acceptance comes in many different types:

1. Self acceptance - being loving and happy with who you are NOW! Like the set of legs above I mentioned...

2. Social acceptance -affects children, teenagers and adults. It also can affect people of all ages with mental disabilities because social acceptance determines many decisions people make in life. I would also say that would include acceptance of those different from us.

3.Grief acceptance - there is a difference between acceptance and resignation,you have to accept loss, not try to bear it alone. Realization has a lot to do with acceptance when it comes to grief. I find this comes in various stages and is often very difficult to deal with.

4. Conditional or Qualified -a type of acceptance that requires modification(s) of the conditions before the final acceptance is made (as in a business contract for example).

5.Expressed - acceptance of the set conditions, as in a person clearly and explicitly agrees to an offer. They accept the terms without any changes.

6.Implied - acceptance is implied by demonstrating any act indicates a person's assent to the proposed bargain.

I am writing about this today because I think acceptance (specifically social) has become a serious problem within our society in the United States as well as globally. We seem to be more intolerant of accepting and being open to ideas that go outside of our personal beliefs. This to me seems extremely selfish and its roots are so embedded that I don't know how we can dig out of this mess. Lately, I see it most in the polarization of this country being so divided with regard to issues on Health Care, Immigration, Gays in the Military/"Don't ask Don't tell". I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however when it leads to being so closed minded that bigotry takes over something has gone awry.

Listen, I was so angry when "W" stole the election in 2000 from Gore but I accepted it. I thought it was the most divisive election ever but I accepted (disgruntled mind you) and endured that idiot being in office for 8 long years. Did I threaten him??? NO...did I throw a brick through a window at the White House??? NO...(of course that would have lead to my arrest) but you get the point. Did I agree with the war?? ...absolutely NOT, but I accepted what was happening and lived my life. Did I agree or like what was happening??? NOT...however, what I did do was live my life and in my own way I disagreed and did what I could to create change in a peaceful non combative manner. I believe this line has now been crossed. People seem to no longer be "peacefully combative", and politicians (both sides) along with the media (Fox news mostly in my opinion) does egg this behavior on. Shame on those politicians and the media for stirring the soup and shame on the public for buying into it. Listen here, don't get me wrong - I get riled up, but I know when my rage can get the best of my rational mind and allow my emotions get the best of me. That is when I look to acceptance and realize that line is fine and can get easily crossed. I take deep breaths and read words (like below) to put my mind back on track.....

I consider myself more a spiritual person and not a religious person, however I think the Serenity Prayer has a perfect place here because it is truly about acceptance:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
*Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

*this particular line I left in but am reluctant with the line "surrender to his will" - I am more a believer in "karma" and what you put out in the universe will come watch what you put out there....

I believe we need more of this within ourselves and in the world.

Yours in Peace ~ L

See you next Sunday......

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