Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making A Healthier Earth One Person At A Time

We just celebrated the 40 year anniversary of Earth Day and it made me sad that so little has been done to really help the planet in 40 years. It's appalling actually. My greatest hope is that my daughter and her generation will be more aware and make vital changes in their lifestyle and become the "sustainable" generation. I do my best to set a good example and have changed my "evil ways" over the years. I can honestly say these changes were simple and are no big deal once you get into the mind-set of wanting to do what is right for the earth, your family and yourself. What is interesting, is the changes that make a healthier planet also make a healthier you. Many changes were made because of chemicals that can leach from materials into the food that's eaten.

Some of the changes I have made over the years...

Eating completely Organic and eliminated meat (on my way to poultry but not yet).
Replaced buying bottled water (or any liquid in plastic ) with filling stainless containers.
Using stainless or cast iron cookware NO longer any Teflon.
Replaced plastic storage containers with all glass.
Conscious driving (biking instead of driving, combining errands for efficiency).
Cut back on Flying.
Recycling, composting everything I can to reduce garbage.
Creating a sustainable front lawn that uses barely any water and no chemicals.
Lots of bamboo & palm trees in the back yard (helps filter bad air CO2>O2).
Using Cloth Napkins more replacing paper.
Showers (short ones) every other day (except when workout sweat calls me to shower!).
Replaced all appliances to energy savers and light bulbs too.
Computers on stand by when not in use.
Lights and water faucets off when not in use.
Bringing own bags for groceries.
Shopping for food locally at Farmer's market.
Supporting local merchants more (although I do shop at Costco still)
#1 no flush #2 FLUSH!!!!
Buying less (conscious shopping ...rational vs emotional purchasing).
NO CABLE TV (we have an antenna on top of our house that works great).
Avoid buying anything from China.
Volunteer more.
Borrowing library books instead of buying them unless it's a book to reference.

And the list will continue....

It's about being conscious in a world where it's easy to go through unconsciously.

Last week I wrote about the book Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale and how important I felt this book was for everyone to read. I am almost finished with it and I wish it was on the must read list for every school in America. Our world will change if we can start now to be the role models for the next generations upcoming. They will not have a chance if we do not make the changes in our lifestyles NOW. This is BEYOND important, it is NECESSARY.

As Maria states in her book:

"If we plan to stay on this planet, we must take a stand. And the very ground we stand on holds the magic key to our future here. We have a once-in-a-lifetime, no once-in-a-species'-history-opportunity to do either the right thing or continue down the path to our demise."

It's NOW time to take a stand.

Ciao~ See you next Sunday! L


Dana @ MFCK said...

What a great post. I love your tips on how you have altered your lifestyle to become more sustainable.

Seems like the majority of items on your list were one time changes that rarely affect your daily routine. The sooner we can get more on board with your ideas, the better!

If you're interested for more information from Maria on organic living and cooking, check out her blog-

Join the Maria's Farm Country Kitchen Facebook page too- there's lots of good conversation going on about organic gardening and simple living. It would be a great place to share your thoughts.

Keep up the great writing!

- Dana @ Maria's Farm Country Kitchen

Laura G said...

Thanks Dana - I have Maria's blog on my radar and am a FAN of hers on FB. I agree if we can all make simple changes it will add up to be a huge change for the planet. I keep hoping. Thanks for reading!