It's been so long since I have attended a conference, mostly because I had the attitude of "what am I going to learn that I don't already know" which is the most arrogant thought. Well...frankly A LOT! It was my own arrogance that was my biggest barrier, because after 30 years in the fitness business I guess I felt entitled to have it. WRONG. This was very hard to admit to myself and (to now write this publicly), but also very important. It's not that I ever really stopped gaining "exercise" knowledge, it is that I gained it through private avenues, watching you-tube videos, educational DVD's, reading magazine articles, books, and other on-line sources. After attending years of conventions, conferences, workshops, seminars I guess I was done with it and needed to learn via other avenues and gave up attending anything that gathered a bunch of "fitness" people together in one place. Well I am so glad I changed my attitude and attended this years Inner IDEA conference.
What drew me in to go to "inner" verses say the "World" Fitness Convention (held the month before in downtown Los Angeles and much more convenient location) was the AHHHHHHH factor. The Inner IDEA conference was formed 5 years ago in an effort to step away from the traditional IDEA mega conventions that normally generate thousands of attendees who come and spend days attending high energy fitness frenzy sessions and milling around the expo taking in all the latest and greatest gadgetry the fitness industry has to offer. Truth be told it gave me a headache even thinking about. When I first started in fitness these types of industry "get together's" were my adrenaline. Now for me, I can tell you those days are way over. So when I first heard about the Inner IDEA conference (which primarily attracts attendees who are teaching yoga, pilates, meditation, nutrition etc..), I thought "now this is something I could attend" and really enjoy. Not wanting to go alone, I recruited another friend/colleague who recruited a couple of others and we registered. I must say another big incentive was the LA Quinta resort and the 500 person limit to attend.
After the almost 3 hour drive to the desert, I began to experience this feeling of calm and utter joy come over me (mostly because I was on vacation) as we drove onto the gorgeous property of the LA Quinta Resort. We checked in to the hotel with ease and then went to register for the conference. Another line, 5 minutes tops and if we wanted to change sessions no hassle, just show up to the session you want and if it's full we were able to just stand and observe. Easy schmeezy... love it. We proceeded to go to the room, unpack, decompress and get ready for the first session, which was Creating Reformer Choreography presented by Nora St John who was fabulous. From that moment on, my creative juices (that were on drip) began to flow. I could feel the cogs in my brain turning and I knew, in order to keep this going I needed to be 100% present the entire time so I didn't miss a thing. I now learned lesson - #1) NOTHING ELSE "OUT THERE" is as important as BEING RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Being Present is the gift I gave to myself for the entire weekend. That message was reiterated again at the opening ceremony with beautiful words and music, chanting and an inspiring key note address by Brant Secunda (Huichod Shaman and Healer) and Mark Allen (six-time Ironman Tri-Champion) and authors of Fit Soul Fit Body. I turned to my friend Megan and said "I am not opening my lap-top this whole weekend" as I made a silent vow to myself to step away from the outside world. This for me (and you all know what a FB and email addicted junkie I am) was a HUGE progressive step.
Every session I attended I learned many new things, along with being introduced to many of the finest presenters in the world. Scott Josephson, who is from the Hippocrates Health Institute did two brilliant presentations: Women, Metabolism and the Hormone Highway and Search and Explore popular diets. I don't think I ever laughed so hard, nor had more fun than in Lawrence Biscontini's Bosu:Hard Core Peace Core. Who would ever think you could do mindful yoga, pilates, t'ai chi, chi gong and chants on a bosu and SWEAT?
Lawrence was brilliant, and deserved The INNER award he received at the opening ceremony (especially after taking his Moonlight Meditation class and there being more distractions than ever thought possible) and he still managed to keep the entire class centered and focused. Paul Check's "The Last Four Doctors You will Ever Need" completely threw me for a loop when here I was thinking traditional docs and it was metaphorical. Dr Diet, Dr Quiet, Dr Happiness and Dr Movement, "well being is as simple as 1-2-3-4. How true is that statement? Very... Micheal Kings' reformer sequencing brought new light to putting movement together in a beautiful seamless sequence like a dance. Break it down and Build it up by Michael Fritzke took traditional Pilates movement and broke them down down into teachable pieces we could use for own own classes. I could go on and on but I would be remiss if I did not mention the session that stuck with me the most. That would be the last one I took and ended my weekend on such a glorious high note with . Sue Hitzmanns' MELT on Pilates rocked my world.
Can I say I LOVED IT any louder? This woman was not only an amazing, knowledgeable, dynamic presenter but her passion for wanting to heal everyone in the entire world through her technique came through loud and clear. I was so beyond impressed I decided that when her instructor training comes to Los Angeles I will be the first sign up. I have used everything I had learned from that one session since, and my clients, students and patients just melt (literally). I am Melting over this and cannot wait for more.
We (Megan, Emilee & me) ended on a beautiful note leaving Palm Desert, the 117 degree weather and the most wonderful attendees we befriended (especially Susan & Diane yes you guys!) behind, filled to brim with knowledge, purpose and inspiration. I would say this was the best money and time I have ever spent on an educational conference and I am definately going to attend next year. AND.... my industry colleagues who are reading are all invited to share with me this amazing experience.
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